Certificate Course in English Comprehensive Course

About the Course:English language courses are designed to improve your communication skills by emphasizing grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Proficiency in English is crucial for success in fields such as business, teaching, and writing. Our course is specifically tailored to help you acquire practical English skills that can be applied in real-world situations and to build the confidence to use them effectively. The course is interactive and conducted in a group setting to enhance the learning experience.

Course Objectives:

  • To enable the learners to improve fluency in different communicative contexts(both professional and everyday)
  • To enhance the ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations by practicing speaking skills.
  • To develop a comprehensive grasp of the rules and structure of English grammar.
  • To research and develop effective strategies aimed at enhancing the ability to understand, interpret, and effectively communicate through reading, speaking, and listening.
  • To develop a compelling style in both speech and writing and effectively utilize language tools for communication.

Course Outcomes:

  • Proficient reading comprehension of English texts through active listening and engagement with teacher-led instruction.
  • Acquisition of language rules and subconscious assimilation to discern language structure and usage.
  • Proficiency in composing well-structured paragraphs, essays, and letters.
  • Ability to analyze the intricacies of language and apply them effectively in competitive examinations, as well as in professional speaking and writing engagements.


Days of Week


Week 1

4 hours Basic Sentence Patterns: SVO, Types of sentences and phrases/ clauses(2) Usage and Practice of Parts of Speech : Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Article. (2) Grammar exercises 10 vocab words

Week 2

4 hours Articles Tenses : Simple present, simple past, present cont. and past cont. Mind Mapping to prepare for writing Diary Writing 10 vocab words

Week 3

4 hours Tenses: Future simple and continuous; perfects and perfect continuous of all three tenses Story Writing 10 vocab words

Week 4

4 hours Modals Literature for Language 10 vocab words

Week 5

4 hours Reading comprehension Dialogue writing fictional and hypothetical based on cues) 10 vocab words

Week 6

4 hours Poetry Writing and analysis Poetry Composition 10 vocab words

Week 7

4 hours Listening Comprehension Image Description 10 vocab words

Week 8

4 hours Basic everyday letters: informal and formal Extempore Social Media etiquette 10 vocab words

Week 9

4 hours Email Assignments Note Taking Group Discussion 10 vocab words

Week 10

4 hours English in Informal situations Theory of Communication Presentation on current topics 10 vocab words

Week 11

4 hours Personality development : self-assessment, developing leadership quality and stress management Preparation and Delivery of speeches as Host, Anchor and Compère Interview Skills 10 vocab words

Week 12

4 hours Filling an FIR, making an RTI request Conversational units Anchoring

Application Form

Important Information:

• ⁠Registrations in these courses are open for all, including University of Delhi students.
• Admissions on first cum first serve basis (as per the number of seats in each course).

Help line number:

  • For queries and suggestions please contact our helpdesk (Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM): 011-27008300,011-65213030, Toll Free - 1800118301



Address for Skill Courses (Centre):

  • OLDC, Second Floor, ARC Building, University of Delhi,
    Opposite S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, Delhi-110007